How does Proformex identify life settlements?

Proformex analytics help to identify good potential life settlement cases within your book

Proformex's proprietary life settlement models score Term and Universal Life policies to identify what we believe to be the best potential settlement cases in your book.  We know that anyone who is familiar with life settlements may have a different approach to finding opportunities but we have vetted our life settlement models with industry experts and testing against settlements in the market to surface the best insights and opportunities.

While we can't give away all of the details on how our models work, we do want to share how you can leverage the output of our analytics in the application.


A new "Life Settlement Opportunity" field is now available from the Life Policies page.  You can now add the field to your visible columns or add as a filter to create a customer report.


Enable user notifications to receive an email any time a new term or UL policy is identified as a good settlement case to review and begin next steps if necessary.

If you're using our PolicyGuard module, you can also send outreach to your network based on identified settlements using this same field.  Talk to your CSM for more information about leveraging PolicyGuard.