How do I use PolicyGuard to manage outreach to my network?

Automate outreach to agents and policy owners in your network with event-driven notifications

What is PolicyGuard?

PolicyGuard is a new offering from Proformex that automates event-driven notifications to agents or policy owners within your network.  PolicyGuard allows you to provide top service to your network at scale, while giving you ownership over the types of events and content of the communications.

Some of the great functionality that PolicyGuard includes:

  • Access to enrich contact data
  • Configurable events for outreach selected agents and owners
  • Configurable, co-branded email content
  • Co-branded webpages to help educate owners about opportunities for their life insurance policies
  • Agents who you enroll to receive PolicyGuard can receive access to a limited version of Proformex to view policies they've been alerted to through configurable notification


How does PolicyGuard work in the application?


Once you've decided to begin using PolicyGuard, one of the first steps will be to select which contacts you'd like to automate outreach to.  Your Customer Success Manager will walk you through options to enrich the contact information for these individuals if you don't have readily available.


Alert Configuration

Your Customer Success Manager will work with you to determine which alerts you'd like to send to your network.  The PolicyGuard notifications leverage our custom reporting capabilities and so are highly configurable, but common examples of types of alerts might include:

  • Term coverage or term conversion end dates approaching (or the policy is in ART)
  • Upcoming premium due dates
  • Anniversary date approaching
  • Policy is no longer in its surrender period and may have better replacement options

There options are endless!  Whether you're hoping to automate outreach to generate new business or to provide service to your network, you'll have the ability to find the perfect moments to connect with your clients.


Each section of the email is also configurable, including adding personalization such as the contact's name or information about your firm.  An email could look like the below:



Agents who will gain access to a limited view of Proformex will be able to do so directly from a link here in the email, where policy owners can be directed to a co-branded or other specified page.


PolicyGuard Engagement Tracking

Proformex users can view how their network is engaging with the automated outreach and track ongoing conversations in the application with two new PolicyGuard pages.


The PolicyGuard Dashboard will contain a summary of all activity related to PolicyGuard, including how many alerts have been sent by alert type and how recipients are engaging with them.


You can also view track what's occurred at the individual policy/policy owner or agent level from the PolicyGuard Tracking page.  Here you can also track interactions or progress of conversations for those who've received alerts.


How do I get started with PolicyGuard?

If you're an existing customer and interested in learning more about PolicyGuard, talk to your Customer Success Manager, who can help you get started with next steps to get onboarded.  If you'd like to learn more about how other companies are seeing success using PolicyGuard, you can find more info on our website.