Policy & Annuity Reviews are Configurable

Learn how to customize the information you share with your clients.

Not only is each product type different, but the information that is important to each client differs too.  Policy & Annuity Reviews in Proformex can be configured to present different information for different policy types and uses.

Firm Admins are the only User Type which can set up and configure a Review Template.  Work with your Firm Admin to create the templates you want. 

Let's Start With How To Select a Template When You Are Modifying a Review.  

Firm Admins must create the Templates so they are available to the Users in their Firm.  Step-by-step instructions to setup templates are below.  First we will start with how Users can create Reviews using the Firm's templates.  

Once a Firm Admin has created templates, those templates are available to Users from the Modify Review screen.  For assistance navigating to this page, please refer to How to Finalize a Review / Open a Review.

The options provided depend on the product type.  In the screenshot below, you can see that this User has multiple Term Templates to choose from when they are creating a Review: 

You can see how creating a descriptive name can help Users choose the best template for the policy.  

The User selects their desired template and the Review will be created using the template once the Review is Finalized. 

How Do Firm Admins Create Review Templates for their Users?

From the Gear option drop down, select  Review Templates & Defaults


The page you land on has three headings: Policy Review Templates, Annuity Review Templates, Policy Review Defaults and Portfolio Review Templates.

Review Defaults

Policy Review Defaults allow you to edit the Cover Page, Recommendations, and Disclosure which will appear on all your Firm's Reviews. See this article for additional details on how to set up your Review Defaults area.  This default functionality is not available for annuity products.

  1. If applicable, select Firm
  2. Click Review Defaults
  3. Click Edit to edit Cover Page, Recommendation, and Disclosure
  4. Click Save

Review Templates

Review Templates are set up by policy type and allow you to create multiple options for each product type. 

  1. Click Policy Review Templates or Annuity Review Templates
  2. Under any of the policy types, click the plus sign to add a new template
  3. Give the template a descriptive Name, choose the policy type and click Create  

    🌟Create a very descriptive Name so that your Users can quickly determine the best template to use. 🌟  
  4. Once you Create, select Configure Sections from the right.  This pop up modal will appear:
      Screenshot Configure Sections
    This is where you will determine which of the listed sections will be part of this particular template and the order in which the sections will appear .  Use the modal to toggle sections options on/off, customize the labels for each section, and move the sections up or down in the template.  A lock icon indicates that the section cannot be moved up or down in the section.

    Some sections such as the 'Features' section contain fixed information pertaining to characteristics about the product type, while most others will contain data specific to the policy and will populate automatically when generating a review.

    Click Save to save the template. 

    The template will now be available to Users in your platform when they are creating Reviews for policies and annuities with that particular Product Type.

  5. Now that you've selected the Sections within the Template, you can Customize Individual Sections by clicking the icon at the far right and selecting 'Configure Section'
    Configure Section Detail
    In the example above, the User has changed the name of the label for Product Type in the Review and has removed Beneficiary information from appearing in this particular section.  
    Select Save to save your selections.  Repeat this process for all sections as desired.

Other Review Template Options

Clicking the image-png-Jan-22-2021-05-46-15-07-PM  on the far right side of the template set up page provides additional options: 

Template Addl Options

Use these options to rename the template, set the template as the default template used for the particular product type or to delete the template.  The Preview Template button allows you to view how the template will appear when used.