How Do I Create & Edit Review Cover, Recommendation & Disclosure Pages

Cover, Recommendation and Disclosure pages for your Policy Reviews can provide key information to recipients. Read on to learn how to create and edit them for your Firm.

Cover pages can be set at three different levels:  Firm level defaults, at the template level and at the policy level.  Recommendation and Disclosure pages are created at the Firm level, but can be edited by Professional Users when they are modifying a Policy Review.  

Only Account Administrators can create and edit Firm level and template level cover pages.  Professional Users can edit Cover, Recommendation, and Disclosure pages at the policy level.  

Create Firm Level Cover, Recommendation and Disclosure Pages

Account Administrators can create a default Cover, Recommendation and Disclosure pages for their Firm.  Once the Recommendation and Disclosure pages are set, they will be used on all Reviews for the Firm.  Once the Cover page default is set, it will be used on all Reviews for the Firm unless the Cover page has been edited at the template level

1.  To create Default pages, click the Settings gear icon image-png-Mar-08-2021-10-29-54-98-PM and select Review Templates & Defaults:

2.  Then select the Policy Review Defaults option: 

3.  Use this page to create and edit the default Cover, Recommendation and Disclosure pages using the 'Edit' button on each section.  You will note that in the Edit state, there are many options for creating your Firm's Cover page, including font, text alignment, insertion of placeholders, and images.  Click 'Save' to save your your changes.  

Create Cover Pages at the Template Level

Your firm may want to have different Cover pages for different product types, different Agents or different types of reviews, so Proformex allows Account Administrators to create different Cover pages at the template level. 

1.  Select the Review Templates & Defaults option from the Setting gear icon, and select Policy Review Templates:   

2.  Select a current template to edit the Cover page or select New Template to create a new template with a custom Cover page.  The default Cover page will be displayed in the Cover page section.  To adjust, select the Edit button and make your adjustments.  Don't like what you created?  Use the Revert button to return to the Firm default.  

3.  'Save' your changes when you are done.  

Tip:  Make sure to give your template a descriptive name so your Users will be able to select the most appropriate template when finalizing a Policy Review.  

Edit a Cover page at the Policy Review Level

Even if you create great cover pages for your Firm, Users may still want to customize the Cover page when they are finalizing a Review for a specific policy, so Proformex allows Users to edit Cover pages at the Policy Review level.  

1.  From the Modify Review screen when creating a Policy Review, scroll down to the Cover Page section.  From here, Users can toggle the Cover page on/off or Edit the Cover page section.  


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