Proformex Best Practices: Proformex Insights

The Proformex Insights Dashboard is the way Proformex focuses your attention on the policies in your platform which are most at risk or need monitored closely.

To reach the dashboard, select Proformex Insights from the Reports dropdown at the top navigation bar:

The Proformex Intelligence Dashboard has two sections.  The Business Overview section at the top shows you a breakdown of your policies by product and by Carrier and by Agency.  

The Intelligent Analysis section at the bottom of the page pulls out policies which are: 

Lapse Pending status- so you can reach out and confirm that your clients are aware their coverage is in danger of termination

Term policies- so you can quickly check conversion and coverage end dates as well as spot policies which may be in Annual Renewable Term (ART) status

Opportunities - policies which, because of factors such as the age of the policy or insured, have been flagged as worthy of review

At Risk- policies which have been flagged as potentially not performing as expected. 

Use this area to drill down into these policies to determine if a Review is warranted.  

Click for an in-depth look at the Proformex Intelligence Dashboard.

Click for a pdf version of Proformex Best Practices: Proformex Intelligence Dashboard.