All About Owner Contacts

Proformex has a place where you can store, view, and analyze all the Owners of the policies and contracts in your platform. Read on to learn more about the Owners section.

The Owners of the life insurance policies and annuity contracts in your firm are important- so Proformex helps you add, store and access their information in the Owners section.  Here are some of it's features:  

Add an Owner

When you have a new owner, you can either add the owner when you add the owner contact to the policy from the policy details pages or you can add a new owner directly from the Owners page.  Reach the page by going to >People and then clicking on >Owners.  


Then click on the button on the far right side.  An Add Owner pop up will appear.  Follow the prompts to complete.  

Once an Owner is added, you will be taken to the Owner Details page where you can add other information such as address, phone, email, etc.

The owner Display Name field allows you to edit how the owner's name displays anywhere in the application, including on Policy Reviews and other deliverables.  Common use cases for editing the display name include if the owner name is listed in all caps from a data feed or the owner name includes a suffix such as Jr. or Sr. that you'd like to format a specific way.

IF a policy has multiple owners, the term 'Multiple Owners' will be used in tables inside Proformex.  If a pdf or excel is exported from the table, only one of the multiple owners will be listed and a '+' sign will indicate that there are additional owners of the policy.  
All the Owners of a policy will be listed in the Policy Details > Contacts section of the policy details page.  

Suitability Information 

Trust and Individual owner types also have the option to add and store their financial suitability information so that you have it on record.  You can review it annually with your clients when you review their portfolio.  Click on the 'Suitability' option from the owner detail pages to be able to view and edit.  


List of Owner Policies and Contracts

Each owner also has a 'Policies', 'Annuities', and 'Coverage Report' tab.  Click on either 'Policies' or 'Annuities' to be taken to a list of all the policies or contracts associated with that owner.  From there you can click on any blue policy or contract number to be taken directly to the details for that contract.  

Click here for more information about the 'Coverage Report' tab.

owner policies

Filter and Save Owners

Use the button in the top right corner to filter the owners to get to a subset you are interested in.  For example, you may want to filter the list so that you have a subset with the most number or contracts or a subset with the most assets under management or a subset which lives in a particular area.  


Save the Search as an Owner Report

Use the button to save the searches you want as an Owner Report.  A saved Owner Report is dynamic; whenever an Owner reaches the parameters set for the filter, they will automatically be included.  Any search which has been saved can be accessed by going to the >Reports > Owner Reports section: 

owner reports

Merging Owners

You may notice that you have more owners than expected in your platform.  If you have 2 or more separate owners who should be merged into one owner record, the Firm Admin of your firm can merge them.  Click to learn about merging owners here.


Proformex allows Firm Admins to search, filter and save Reports for Agents in their firms as well.  Click here to learn more about managing agents.