Policy and Contract Searches: Operator Definitions

Proformex allows you to perform multiple searches on various data points in your policies. To do that we use 20 different operators, or ways to narrow your searches. Read on to learn more!

The Life Policies and Annuities pages in Proformex allows you to add multiple filters to your contracts so that you can find the subset which you are interested in.  Click here for a detailed article on how to use the Life Policies and Annuities pages.

To find the operators, go to the Life Policies or the Annuities page from the Business option drop down at the top navigation bar, then click on the button on the top right of the All Life Policies page.  The Filter modal will pop up.  

Each field will have a different Operation or set of Operators which you can apply to the field once you have input the Value.  

This is how Proformex defines each Operation:  

Contains: filter a text field by a name or phrase contained anywhere within the field

Starts with: filter a text field by a name or phrase occurring at the beginning of a field

Equals: filter a text or value field to the exact contents of the filter

Greater than: filter a field to any value greater than the input value

Greater than or Equal to: filter a field to any value greater than or equal to the input value

Less than: filter a field to any value less than the input value

Less than or Equal to: filter a field to a value less than or equal to the input value

Includes: filter a field by a list of possible Value options; select multiple values to include multiple acceptable criteria in the filter

Rolling Days: filter to all dates occurring within a selected frame of time in the future

Trailing Days: filter to all dates occurring within a selected frame of time in the past

Between: filter a date or value to policies that fall within the given min/max range

Before: filter to all dates occurring before a selected date

Before or On: filter to all dates occurring before or on the selected date

On: filter to all dates occurring exactly on the selected date

After: filter to all dates occurring after a selected date

On or After: filter to all dates occurring on or after a selected date

Month: filter to dates occurring during a specific calendar month

Blank: filter to policies with a blank or null value in the specified field

Not Blank: filter to policies with any non-blank/non-null value in the specified field

Yes/No:  Filter to all policies with the value present (yes) or not present (no)


Remember:  you can apply multiple filters to any one search to narrow your results even further.  You can also save any search as a Report which you can return to or share with others in your Firm.