What is the Policy Snapshot?

The Policy Snapshot is a way to generate a quick pdf summary of a policy. Read on to learn more.

The Policy Snapshot is a pdf generated from the policy information which had been entered for a policy.  It is available from the 'Take Snapshot' button on the top right of any of the pages in the Policy Details.  

The Snapshot button is available for all User types except for Policy Owners and Report Collaborators.  

A policy Snapshot is ideal to use for internal conversations or discussions on the current state of a policy, since it can be created quickly and shows the most relevant policy information.  

All Snapshots come with a basic disclosure which cannot be edited.  However, Account Administrators can add an additional disclosure for their Firm.  To do this, Account Admins will go to the image-png-Mar-08-2021-10-29-54-98-PMicon in the top right, > Account Settings > General Settings.  

From there they can edit the Default Policy Snapshot Disclosure.  If a Firm has child Firms associated with it, use the Firm drop down option to select and set a different disclosure for each Firm.  

The Snapshot will include information which has been entered for the policy.  If only minimal information has been provided, then the Snapshot will be very short- one page in length.  As data and policy contacts are added, the Snapshot will lengthen.  

Snapshots can be produced for all policy types, including Annuity contracts.  

What is the difference between a Policy Snapshot and a Policy Review?  

A Snapshot is something you can produce 'on the fly'; it is created with whatever policy data is on hand and it's order and configuration cannot be adjusted.  It is a snapshot in time.

A Policy Review is more formal and extensive.  It is intended to assist in monitoring the policy by providing current policy information along with context (a Recommendation section, year over year values, contract alternatives, etc) so that interested parties can understand how the policy is performing and make decisions about how the policy is meeting their needs.  Learn more about how to create a Policy Review here.