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What is the Change Log for a policy?

The Change Log is the place to go and view the source and date of changes made to key policy values over time. This allows you to understand the history of the data you see in policy details.

Why is a Change Log helpful?  

Proformex accepts data from a variety of sources and policy values can change over time.  Our Change Log allows you to view not only the source and date of a value, but also how that value may have been changed or edited over time.  

What is the source of the data you see in Proformex?  

There are multiple sources of policy data: 

  • Proformex Users with access to a policy can enter and edit policy data either manually in the application or by providing the data to their CS Manager
  • Data Feeds: Some Users and policies receive data directly from the carrier via a data feed
  • Proformex Processing: Some Users upload policy statements or illustrations in Proformex for us to process and enter data from the documents. 
  • Imputed Value or Calculated Value: This occurs when Proformex has enough data to infer a value point.  This occurs most frequently with Annualized Premium, which Proformex calculates when the Modal Premium Amount and Premium Mode are provided.  

Which data points are tracked? 

Nearly every data point provided on the 'Details' page of the a policy's detail page is available in the Change Log.  Click on any policy number and you will land there.

policy details

How do I navigate to the Change Log?

The Change Log is the last option on the policy's detail page.  Simply scroll down and select 'Change Log' 

Change Log

What can I do with the Change Log?  

You can use the boxes at the top of the Change Log to limit your search by Source, Field and Dates.  

You can expand each entry in the Change Log by clicking on the symbol on the right of each entry.  You can then view the details of that entry.  You can also export the log to excel from the far top right. 

Source Information is also available as hover text on the Details page.  

When you hover over a data point on the Details page, the source and date of the value are displayed, so you have this information immediately available.  The information displayed will always be the most recent value.  


How far in the past does the Change Log record?  

Proformex started showing data lineage to Users on May 25, 2022, so this is the oldest date which will be available for Users to search.  

How do I add the Change Log information to a Policy Review?  

You can add a Source Sheet to any Policy Review template.  Once added, if any Change Log information is available, it will be added as a final page in the Review.  

To add the Source Sheet to a template, a Firm Administrator will need to go to the Settings option in the image-png-Oct-19-2021-01-16-02-58-PM option at the top right.  Then select 'Review Templates & Defaults'

change log settings

Click on the templates which you want to include the Source Sheet and click the

option at the top right.  A pop-up will appear.  Scroll to the bottom and toggle on Source Sheet. 

If any information is available in the Change Log, then the Source Sheet page will appear in the Review.  If there is no Change Log information, the Source Sheet will not be included in the Review.  

We hope you find this feature useful as you manage and monitor your policies.  Please reach out to your Customer Support Manager with your thoughts and feedback- we always enjoy hearing how you use Proformex!