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What is Comdex and Can I Change It on a Policy?

Most Insurance carriers in the United States have a Comdex rating which Proformex provides to Users. This is an outside rating and cannot be changed by Users.

Various independent, third party rating systems regularly evaluate the financial strength of insurance carriers.  A carrier's Comdex score is a way to combine multiple ratings for each carrier to produce a percentile ranking of the carrier relative to other carriers.  The highest score possible is 100 and the lowest is a 1. 

Carriers with a high score are considered to be more financially stable, and therefore more likely to pay out a long-term claim.  Since the Comdex is determined by outside rating agencies, Users are unable to change the Comdex rating of a Carrier. 

Comdex Ratings are updated several times a year.  

Users can set guidelines on Comdex at a firm level and on a policy level.  This will help you get alerted if a Comdex rating for a carrier drops below a threshold which you set.  

Servicing options must be enabled in order for your Firm to set guidelines around Comdex.  Contact your Customer Success manager for more information.  

Account Admins can set the Comdex guidelines at the Firm level. 

Your firm may want to know if any carrier's Comdex rating drops below a certain level.  To do so, the firm Account Admin will go to the Settings Gear in the top right image-png-Mar-08-2021-10-29-54-98-PMand select >Monitoring Guidelines under Servicing Settings.  

On the Guidelines page, scroll down to Global Policy Monitoring Guidelines, click > Edit Firm Guidelines and go to the Comdex section to set your firm's thresholds.  In the screen shot below, the firm has decided that any Carrier with a Comdex of 85 or higher will have a green light for Comdex, carriers with Comdex scores between 84 - 70 will have a yellow light and carriers with a Comdex of 69 or below will show as red.  

Users can set the Comdex guidelines at the Policy level.  

You may want a particular policy to have a separate Comdex rating threshold than the firm's level.  You can set Comdex at the policy level by going to a policy, and finding Guidelines on the left margin under > Servicing:  

Click on the Guidelines option to be taken to the guidelines for that particular policy.  Click Edit in the upper right of the page to edit the guidelines and look at Carrier Performance.  In the screen shot below, the User has set a higher threshold for Comdex than what is set at the firm level.  The policy will have a green light if the Comdex rating is 90 or above, a yellow light between 89-81 and a red light for Comdex if the rating drops to 80 or below.  

Have feedback about Guidelines?  Send it to your Customer Support Manager or submit a Support Ticket