Proformex Best Practices: Setting Review Parameters- Policy Guidelines & Carrier Requests

Many successful Proformex Users make it a practice to review a policy's guideline parameters when they are completing a policy Review. This is also a good time to check the design and timing of the Carrier request letter.

Policy Guideline Parameters

A policy's guidelines can be set from both the Guidelines section under the Policy Details page,  or they can be set from the Action button with box menu option found in the top right on the Modify Review page.  

Make it your routine to check the policy parameters when you are finalizing the policy's Review so you can ensure you will be alerted if a policy ever moves outside of the parameters you set.  Click here to learn more about setting policy guidelines.

Set or Adjust Carrier Request

Proformex can automatically request information, such as illustrations or policy statements, from Carriers.  There are many ways to set or adjust this schedule: 

Turn it off or on: by toggling the Document Request switch on the Policy Details page

Change the date the request is sent: by editing the request.  The Proformex default is to request 5 days after the policy's Issue Date, to ensure that the annual statement will be available from the Carrier, but you can edit that date.  Once edited, it will continue to request annually on that date until the request is toggled off.   

Change the basic illustration request: the Edit option will allow you to adjust the default as-is illustration request by editing the Crediting Rate, premium amount or # of annualized premiums remaining in the illustration.  

Create your own request: use the Design option to view the current request and then edit the body of the text so it asks for exactly what you want.  

 Click on one of these links for in-depth articles on how Proformex requests documents from Carriers, how to customize inforce requests  and how to request illustration requests off-schedule.

Click for a pdf version of Proformex Best Practices: Policy Review Parameters