Name your Policy Review

As a user, you have control over the name of the Reveiws you present to your clients. Proformex automatically names each finalized Review with the word 'Review' and the date. But you can change that by the 2 pathways described below.

Edit the Review Name while completing the Policy Review

  1. Once you click Finalize Review, a box will pop up with the Word 'Review' and today's date.  Click inside the box to rename the Review.

  2. Click 'Finalize' and the Review will now be saved with your custom name in the Policy Documents section for the policy.  

Edit Name in Policy Details

If you want to change the name of a Review after it is completed, go to the policy's Policy Detail page to edit.  

  1. Go to the policy's Policy Details page
  2. Navigate to the Documents section of the page and find the Review which you would like to rename.  
  3. From the Action menu, select Rename Report
  4. Rename the Report and Save