What are the User Roles In Proformex?

Proformex allows Account Administrators to manage the Users in their firm. Read on to learn more about the permissions for each Role.

There are 5 User types, or Roles in Proformex.  Account Administrators have the most access and they control the roles that other Users have in their platforms.  Account Administrators do this from the 'Manage Users' option in their Settings option in the top right of the platform. 


If you don't see all these options when you click the gear icon, then you are not an Account Administrator for your firm. Contact your Customer Success Manager if you need to change your role.   


What are the User Roles in Proformex?  

1.  Account Administrators:  These Users have the most access and permissions in Proformex.  They can see and edit every policy in the firm's platform and they also can edit firm level settings such as Notification options and Report Templates.  Account Administrators can also set up additional Users in your platform.  


2.  Professional:  These Users have access to a block of policies.  They can fully edit those policies.  There can be more than one Professional attached to a single policy.  For example, you may have 2 agents which can both service 1 policy.  If each agent is a Professional User in your platform, then both Users have full access and ability to edit the policy.  


3.  Office Manager:  These Users have limited access to policies and have limited views and permissions in the platform.  This role was created for firms where Professional Users may have support staff who assist with basic policy maintenance.  Office Managers can support multiple Professional Users.  They do not have full access to all parts of the platform- for example, this role cannot finalize a policy report.  We have a standard set of permissions for this role- if you need to add or remove permissions for this role for your firm, please contact your Customer Success Manager and we may be able to make the adjustments for you.  


4.  Collaborator:  Your Firm may be set up with the Collaborator role option.  Collaborator Users are usually used by Firms who use our 'Request Collaboration' option when reviewing policies.  Collaborator have read-only access to basic policy information and they only have this access when the Request Collaboration option is used on a policy.  They are able to view the policy info and any documents sent with the request, and can  provide Contract and Product Alternatives for a Policy Review, along with supporting documentation.  


5.  Policy Owner:  Your Firm may be set up with the Policy Owner role option.  Policy Owners can be granted read-only access to their policies.  When they log in they will be able to see a list of their policies and they can drill down into the policy details of any of their policies.  


Don't see all these Role options in your platform?  Contact Customer Success to learn about how these are set up for your Firm and to determine if you can add these Roles to your platform.