How do I get started with my free Proformex account through PolicyGuard?

Quickly learn how to leverage Proformex to take advantage of your free access

What is Proformex?

Proformex is a software solution that connects you and your team to actionable data from a number of sources, to maximize value for your life insurance and annuity business.  Proformex provides customers with data visibility and insights, custom reporting and configurable client-facing deliverables, alerts and notifications on important policy milestones, and much more.

If you'd like to learn more about Proformex, you can visit our website here or you can schedule a demo with one of our representatives to learn more about the full Proformex application.

Why do I have access to Proformex?

You’ve received access to your trial account courtesy of your BGA’s enrollment in PolicyGuard, a service provided by Proformex, which automates event-driven outreach to agents and policy owners at times when attention may be needed for policies you service.

You now have access to a limited version of Proformex which gives you access to view information on policies for which your BGA setup alerts to be shared with agents.

Your use of Proformex comes at no cost to you and as additional policies meet the criteria for alerts your BGA has enrolled in, you'll continue to receive email notifications and be able to view that policy information in Proformex.

How do I get started?

To get started, follow the below few steps to begin viewing policy information and taking advantage of your free Proformex account.

1. Navigate to the Business menu option and select "Life Policies"

2. If you have multiple policies, you can view them all from the Life Policies page or you can click into each individual policy to view the Policy Details page

3. From Policy Details you can view policy information, contact information, and more all in a single location

4. To collaborate with your team on next steps, select "Take Snapshot" from the Policy Details page to generate a PDF document that contains policy values available for this policy

How do I learn more about what else Proformex has to offer?

Explore our Knowledge Base for more on what you can do in Proformex, including:

  • Store all your life and annuity data in a centralized location
  • Create custom reports and notifications
  • Generate PDF deliverables for each of your client's policies
  • View insights and be proactively alerted to potentially at-risk policies and new business opportunities based on your in force book

You can also reach out to one of our sales representatives for a full demo if you're interested in learning more firsthand.