How Do I Setup an Agent Book of Business Template?

If you want various ways to view an agent's book of business, you can create an Agent Book of Business Template Report to help. Read on to learn how.

First, create the basic Agent Book of Business default information for your firm. 

Account Admin Users have the ability to create these templates.  If you are an Account Admin User type and do not see these options, contact your Customer Success Representative to discuss.  

Account Admin User will have 'General Settings' as an option from their image-png-Jun-20-2022-06-31-51-12-PM Settings drop down menu:  

Click 'General Settings' , then select 'Agent Book of Business Defaults' from the top of the page:  

From there, you can edit the Cover Page, Recommendation, and Disclosure sections with any text you would like to ensure your Agent Book of Business Reports contain.  Save your work and you have created the basic text included in these sections.  

Next, create any specific Book of Business templates by adding various Reports and customizing as desired.  

From the General Settings section, select the 'Agent Book of Business Templates' option at the top to add the Reports which are important to Agents in your firm: 

Once there, + a New Template or edit an existing template by clicking on it.  This will open up options to edit the Cover Page, Recommendation and Disclosures sections for that particular template.  Modify as desired. 

Use the 'Configure Sections' option at the top right to change the order of the sections or change their label on the Template. 
Use the 'Configure Reports' option at the top right to add various Reports which you have created and saved from All Policies to your template:  

To learn more about how to create Reports to use in your Agent Book of Business templates, click here.

Then, use the templates to create and save a Book of Business Report for a specific Agent.  

From People, select Agents and click on the desired Agent's name:  

From the Agent information page, select 'Book of Business' from the options on the far left.  You can view previous reports or 'Add Book of Business' from the top right of the page.  

If you 'Add a Book of Business', you will be walked through a couple of steps to generate the Report.  You will have options on which Template to use, as well as the options to include All the Polices and All the Annuities in the Report, or to just include the policies which are included in any Reports used as part of the Template.  You can also edit the Cover Page, Recommendation and Disclosure sections for this particular Report, so you can provide more information, feedback or next action steps to the Report.  Save the Report and it will be stored in the area for future reference.    


We hope the ability to create Book of Business Reports for your agents is helpful to you and your practice.  If you have ideas to share or suggestions for improvement, please reach out directly to your Customer Success Manager - we appreciate your feedback and stories!