What is Go Forward Death Benefit IRR?

The Go Forward Death Benefit Internal Rate of Return (IRR) will calculate the rate of return from today moving forward with assumptions you choose.

The Surrender value is the starting value, then the return will be based on the supplied amount of future premiums and the age when death is assumed to occur.

The rate of return is the annualized compounded return based on the above assumptions.

Please see below for an example:

Article 5

You can find the Go Forward Death Benefit IRR in the table provided in Details section of Policy Details

  1. Click on the policy number anywhere in the application to get to the policy's Policy Details page. 
  2. Go to the Details section on the left and scroll to the bottom of the page.  
  3. On the Go Forward Death Benefit IRR section click the What-If button on the right.  Enter the requested values and then click the blue ReCalc button to get the recalculated IRR@ Life Expectancy value for the values you input.