Are InForce Illustration Requests Customizable?

Proformex allows you to customize the request being sent to a Carrier to assure you are seeing values that are important to the way you do business.

 You can use Proformex's default Carrier Request Letter when requesting documents for a policy.  The default letter asks for the most recent annual statement and a current inforce illustration.  If you have a specific request, you may adjust the letter by using the Design feature.  Read on to learn how to design your own letter.  

Design Illustration Letter

  1. Start by navigating to the Policy Details page.  Click on the policy number anywhere in the application to get there.  
  2. Once on the policy's Detail page, scroll down to the Scheduled Document Requests section on the left side of the page:
  3. Then click the Design button on the right side of the screen 
  4. This will pop up a modal where you can edit the request text in the letter.  Make your edits as needed then press the blue Save button.  

You will see an indication that this policy is now using a Designed Illustration once you've applied a custom Design to the carrier request.

This design will remain in effect for the specified policy until further edited or the design is removed.  Click Remove to revert the letter back to the Proformex default.