'Remove Policies' and 'Change Activity Status' are Bulk Actions Available from All Policies

Bulk Action options help you apply actions to a group of policies so you can be more efficient. Read on to learn how.

Proformex allows you to perform 2 bulk actions: 
Remove Policies and Change Activity Status.  

To perform either of the bulk actions, follow these steps:  

1. Select >Business and then >Life Policies from the top navigation bar: 

 How Do I Add Policies 1

2. Get to a list of policies on which you want to take bulk action by checking the box to the left of the policy number.  You may want to Filter the list to get to a specific set of policies.  As soon as you click any box, the Action option will appear to the right of the Search box: 

Bulk Action

3.  Use the drop down on the Action button to select the bulk action which you wish to perform.  

If you want to Remove policies, you will be required to select the Removal Reason before you click 'Remove Policies'.  Policies will be permanently removed from the platform for all Users.  

If you want to Change the Activity Status on the selected policies, you will be required to select the Status and then click 'Change'.  

How will I use these options?  

Bulk removal of policies is helpful when an Agent leaves a practice and your firm want to quickly get their policies out of your Proformex database.  

Bulk activity status is great to use in conjunction with the filters on the All Policies page.  Once you filter your policies to a list which you want to take action on, you can apply the 'To Do' Activity Status to those policies.  You can then create and share a Report which includes all the policies which are in To Do status, so you can quickly return to the Report and have a group of policies ready for you to take action on. 

We would love to hear from you if there are additional bulk action options which you would like to have available.  Just submit a Support ticket with your idea or reach out directly to your Customer Success Manager with your suggestion.